
Make tea and foreshadow shit.
It's so sweet and naive
I read up the last dozens of entries, but I cringe harder and harder going down the rabbit hole.

The beauty of the information preserving is that unlike the memory, digital info is not as merciful and remembers e v e r y t h i n g
Highs, lows, but mostly lows because that's what being an angsty young adult is
I'm still angsty, but probably less naive (lol), and less open to what I am angsty about.

@темы: brave old world

05.11.2020 в 12:54

So nice to read you, each word as a gift. Trying to say something special is useless, so I`m just glad to know, that the contact is not lost. Shame on me, I`m always remember, but never write.

Sorry, no practice in speaking, only films.
05.11.2020 в 15:43

Make tea and foreshadow shit.
_Staya_, thank you, darling, it means the world to me.
05.04.2021 в 01:44

// everything