Hey there guys
I guess I forgot how to word personal things in Russian (no kidding, I am not trying to be obnoxious or something I just can't)
So here how it is:
it's Friday and I am alone
and tomorrow we're gonna have a trip to the great unknown with the people from work
I am so happy I decided to take this job among all others; even though I feel like an ass sometimes, knowing what buttons to push to get the things I want, but it is mine, and it all will be mine for some very prolonged time because we are people of commitments
I kind of missed the fact that I haven't even told you how it went down after I decided to leave the Enterprise
Short version: it went down badly but I am great now
Long version: I took a job and the relationships with a boss that is an ass weren't good, and then I got terrible headaches, and then I got herpes that affected pretty badly my sight (I recovered completely) so on my 26th birthday I accepted job offer calls while we walked 5+ km from our favourite steak house to our favourite bar.
And then I spent 10 days in the Baltic sea, and the only thing that saved me is my capacity to sleep, so while everyone else gave everything they put inside themselves to the sea, I was sleeping. I was so cheerful when everything has ended; they almost attempted to drown me.
I didn't have a vacation per-se this year, but I was sick for two weeks (no kidding, first time ever and there are scars even now (yes I am mildly proud about it)), and took a part in a 10 days adventure in a sea.
Do you know what I want you to tell? When given a choice, never, ever, go to the Baltic see on a yacht in a summer time. I am pretty positive that we're gonna repeat it pretty soon.
Now, I've got my own apartment in which I cannot live yet because no basic stuff is there. I'm gonna try to do it next week, when I have a bed (I hope), but it is about to come back to being a place I can visit when I want to wrap my anxiety in a craft paper and set it on fire. I am a big boss now; I have enough of the stuff.
To sum up this year, one word is enough: anxiety.
Not all bad, not all good, but it is.
I visited tons of places I've never even dreamt to visit, I survived relatively safely a sea storm, I've found a cool job (getting twice more money after 3 month of work comparing to the amount I received on the Enterprise) and secured for a while a good place, I own a home, and slowly becoming an adult while being absolutely terrified about it.
In a week we're gonna visit my beloved Italy, and honestly - I have no freaking idea what to do about it.
See ya the next year.
| пятница, 22 декабря 2017