Дополнительные пляски с бубном о том, что я смогу купить альбом в магазине, не заказывая *____________*
дибиди я еще не знаю, хочу ли, но он так соблазнительно стоит х)

It’s been about 7 years, since they released their first album and luckily the band has announced that they’ll release their 2nd full-album on November 3rd! The album will be entitled 「一秒」(Ichibyou) and cost 3360 yen. There will be 11 tracks included and 9 from them are:

・太陽 (Taiyou)
・サクラ (Sakura)
・猫飯 (Nekomeshi)
・窮鼠猫を噛む (Kyuusoneko wo Kamu)
・空蝉 (Utsusemi)
・儚くも美しく流れる景色 (Hakanakumo Utsukushiku Nagareru Keshiki)
・おもちゃ箱テディベア (Omochabako Teddy Bear)
・神経衰弱 (Shinkeisuijaku)
・ただいま (Tadaima)

What is more, they’re planning to release a DVD with episodes of their programme called 「人格ラヂオの咲け〜バンギャル!!トチゴンクエストスペシャルエディションvol.1」(Jinkaku Radio no Sake~Bangyaru Tochigon Quest Special Edition vol. 1). There have been over 20 episodes so far, which you can watch on YouTube, but also on Tochigi TV. It will contain 100 minutes of footage, 80 of original episodes probably + 20 of free-talk of two members only. The DVD will include following stuff:

トチゴンクエスト (Tochigon Quest):
* Episode 1 – 餃子 (Gyouza)
* Episode 2 – カクテルの街 (Cocktail no Machi)
* Episode 3 – いちご 前編後編 (Ichigo Zenpen Kouhen)
* Episode 4 – 牛乳 (Gyuunyuu)
* Episode 5 – 益子焼 前編後編 (Mashikoyaki Zenpen Kouhen)

3~4 Episodes of りんどう湖ファミリー牧場ディレクターズカット版 (Rindouko Family Ranch Director Cut Version)
〜こんなにまわしてました〜 (Konna ni Mawashitemashita) Private Clip:

* ジョン登場シーン (John Introduction Scene)
* ボートシーン (Boat Scene)
* ソフトクリーム&牛乳食レポ (Soft Cream & Milk Eating Report)

踊れ!バンギャル症候群 (Odore! Bangyaru Shoukougun)
* 高根沢第2幼稚園 (Takanesawa No 2 Kindergarten)
* パンドラの箱 (Pandora’s Box)
* sheep
* ボーダーサークル (Border Circle)
* 4/29インスト (4/29 Instore)
* トレジャーダンススタジオ (Treasure Dance Studio)
* 30円不足バンギャ (30 Yen Fusoku Bangya)

The DVD will cost 3980 yen and more details about it will appear soon on the special site.

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